Friday, October 23, 2009

8 months

Reece is 8 months old today!

She is moving and crawling all over now.
She loves to eat baby food and her favorite things are yogurt melts and puffs.
Loves chewing on her thumbs and slobbering.
She loves watching her brother when he's not bugging her to death.
She loves her tag blanket and plug when she sleeps.
Up until a few nights ago she was still waking up a million times. I finally moved her to the pack n play in the basement to let her cry it out a little. She is sleeping soooo much better.
She loves to jump in her jumparoo with her hair flopping all over. It's pretty cute.
She's so loud and crazy at church during sacrament. ( just like her brother)

We just love this little gal and are so happy she is in our family.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

North Carolina

Brian's best friend Cody is in PA school at Duke University and our little family went down to North Carolina to visit his family. It has been about a month since we went but I had to post about it.

The kids playing around

When we lived in Logan, Brian worked in a lab on campus and Elizabeth was his boss. They became good friends. She now works at North Carolina State University so we went to visit her.

Duke's campus is so neat, it's one of those campuses you see in the movies.

Us in front of the Duke Chapel

The rest of the Chapel

another cool building.

and another

One of the days we were there we went to Duke Gardens. It was such a pretty place!

Looking at the different lily pads and not at the camera.