Buon' Giorno a tutti! Ok this may be the most pictures ever posted but I couldn't decide which to leave out. I actually deleted a lot of them. We spent 3 nights in southern Tuscany. It was our favorite place on our trip and its easy to see why. It made me want to find out if they are in need of a pediatric dentist there! The picture above is of a little village called Castiglione d'Orcia. It has a castle on the highest peak and we hiked up to it.
This is a little house on the way up to the old castle. I guess they are not too worried about the vines ruining there grout between their stone. Seriously though, when was the last time you saw vines that thick? If you look close there is a guy on the porch.
Honestly, I would not mind if this was my driveway.
This is the main piazza in a tiny village called Montichiello. I can't speak for Rachel but it was my favorite place of the entire trip. There was not one tourist here. It was everything that I love about Italy.
The entire village is based on this huge rock cliff. You can see how they built the stairs right onto it.
This is the old guy I was talking with. I can't remember his name now. He was mayor of Castiglione d'Orcia for like 21 years. He told me, "I have lived my whole life being good to people and if you do that, people, more often than not, will be good to you." Good advice.
Not a bad view. I would be more likely to want to throw hay on the trailer if I was here. Nah, maybe not.
Can't you just see Russel Crowe walking through the field sifting the wheat through his hands on the movie "Gladiator"?
Rach and I rode this into town. The basket was a little uncomfortable for her but.....no we didn't ride the bike.
This is Chianciano Terme near where we stayed. It is know for its spas and hot baths clear back to Roman times. It has little spas and places to stay all around it now, too.
The vineyards of Palazzo Bandino where we stayed in Tuscany. Everything they feed you at dinner is from the farm of Palazzo Bandino. It is famous for its wine but we had to take their word for it.
This is where we had breakfast everyday. These are our Dutch friends who actually live in Norway, Hans and Jenny.
I know this was a lot to take in but stay with me. We will finish our giro d'Italia in Venice, Verona, Lake Garda, and Bergamo next time on the Dansie's Italian Adventures.