Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We've Moved!

I know that I'm the most pathetic poster lately. We've been busy with moving and I really haven't taken a lot of pictures. We just got the internet up so hopefully soon I will post our new place. We love it so much and are so grateful to have gotten it. Check back in a few days and maybe I will have posted something.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see pics of your new place. Isn't moving a blast!!!

megs said...

Yea!!! We are excited to have you in our ward!

LTC said...

Super random I is the long of the short! Both Jami and Raquel are friends of a friend of mine who also happens to be named Jaime...anyhow...she was friends with Raquel when they were really little, then she moved out to my nieghborhood where we became friends, and that is how I met Raquel...then Jami and Jaime and I went to highschool together and somehow I figure out that you all know eachother and that my roomie is hanging with 2 random people linked to me by the same friend...random and very small world!!! (confused yet?)

LTC said...

Yes! They are fabulous...I have seen them a million times in concert, but never met them...really nice guys!
Oh and we are in Virginia...

Natasha said...

It's ok that you're pathetic. I've kinda given up on you anyway. I used to check your blog every single day religiously, but now I'm down to once a week or so. It's ok, though, I still love you and miss you just as much.